The Poor Will Always Be With Us

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Growing up in God's Timing

Last May, when I left to return to Mozambique, my intention was to pair up members of the Centro Emissor church and Maranatha to begin building relationship between the two churches. At that time there were around 40 members who belonged to the church. From the last report I have received, there are over 80 people coming to church on a regular basis. The church of Centro Emissor has been growing in the midst of the leader's frailties.

One year ago in November the leader Zito's wife, Zaria died of malaria while carrying their 4th child. That was a shock to the community and a great set back in the maturity and growth of the church. But not a surprise to God. God knew all along that this would happen and that he would for the next year change, lead, strengthen and be with the weak as we all continued to move forward for His glory in the church. While Zito has walked the journey of healing, the church leadership has continued and slowly moved forward to spread the word and the result is an increase in the flock in maturity and numbers.

Today I want to share some of the prayer partner assignments of Centro Emissor and Maranatha:

Name Age Children MBC Partner
Leopoldino A. Félix 28 Widower 3 Perry and Jane Schoff
Molbino V.Mineses 26 Single - Doug Hoffmaster
Oscar Fransico 27 Single Matt Rosendahl
Pascoal Francisco 30 Married 3 Pat Pisney
Cipriano Francisco 28 Married 4 Jenn Joyce
Joaquim Francisco 50 Married 5 Marilyn Cellemare
Eugênio Joaquim 18 Single - Jay Coppess
Luisa Cimento 40 Widow 5 Jennifer Steadman
Domingos Manuel 33 Married 3 Maggie Noll
António Rafael 17 Single - Diane Ryan
Adelino Domingos 35 Married 1 Maggie Noll
Inês J. Lampi 22 Married 2 Mary Eyansons
Inês Manuel 23 Married - Michelle Staff
Anita Alberto 20 Widow 1 Andrea Petersen
Sonia Mateus 18 Married 1 Deane Watters
Fátima Gonsavel 28 Married 5 Therese Mefferd
Gina Alberto 35 Married 2 Annette Rosendahl
Gabriela Valentim 53 Widow 3 Char Coppess
Rita Madeira 30 Married 1 Mary Ellen
Chica José Aged Married 6 Helen Hunter
Arminda Mateus 20 Married 2 Beth Telecky
Rosa Mário 22 Married 3 Beth Boyles
Lucas J. Lampi 15 Single - Chris Thompson
Cartina Domingos 41 Married 5 Kim Hofmaster
Antónia Paulo 21 Married - Donna Williams
Teresa Afonso 23 Married 4 Josh Peterson
Evordina Oba Aged Widow 3 Gloria Telecky
Filipe Francisco 22 Married 2 Emily Gibsons

Families who need Prayer Partners

Amos Albano 25 Married -
Abel José 22 Single -
Carlos Linguison 23 Single -
José Albano 21 Single -
Domingos Fernando 23 Married 2
Francisca Francisco 59 Married 5
Regina Melo 18 Married 2
Isabel Zacarias 18 Married 2
Jacinto Linguison 28 Married -
Raquinha Tubois 40 Married 6
Horácio Alberto 19 Married 2
José Anibal 17 Single -

Jesus didn't come to make it hard, He came to make it clear. Prayer is powerful and effective, pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

As you can see there are names of people who do not have a prayer partner. And there are 40 more names to be added to the list with the growth of the church. Please be mindful and obedient as to who God would have you pray for. Just make a 1 year commitment to pray for this person. You can trust that when they receive your name, they will be praying for you each week and probably each day.

Life is different in Mozambique. There are not the distractions of life like we have here in America. They may have less, but they have so much more. Trust me.

Send me an email: to give me the name of the person you would like to pray for that doesn't have a partner.

Be blessed, be in prayer for the lost, and be encouraged because we serve a Mighty King giving thanks in all!



Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's time to make a shout!

Have you ever thought about just shouting right out loud? I mean you know like from the depths of your soul just giving it all you got! Just do it, right now, just stand up and shout the name of JESUS! Afraid? Don't want to be embarrassed because you are making too much noise? I know, you don't want your family to think you have lost your mind.

Everyone has been to a football game or some sort of activity that you were able to just let it all out. And the real beauty of an experience like this was that you had people all around you doing the same thing so your particular shout was not noticed. But do you remember how you felt when you finished? It was almost like a cleansing, your whole body was lifted, you felt great, and it may have even exhausted you to put forth all of your energy into your shout.

Let me tell you about worship. Worship in Africa. Where I live in Mozambique, people live to shout. On any given day you can hear the shouts of joy and worship to the King for another day of life. Sometimes you can hear the shouts of pain from their sorrow, but my friends, they know how to shout, how to let it all out. Embarrassed? Nope. They just do not have anything to lose. They already have nothing. You really do not have anything to lose either! I mean come on, like what?

Think about what a shout can do, a shout brought down a wall,"Shout! For the Lord has given you this city." Psalm 20:5 May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests. Psalm 71:23 My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you— I whom you have delivered. 98:4 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music. Isa. 40:9b lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid;

A shout is a strong emotion or a call for attention. Are you shouting today? What are you shouting about? A shout of emotion for what God has, is and will do in your life would be good for you!


Ok... already I am feeling better. Don't delay... do it today.... you will never be the same when you totally give it all to God.

View the link to shouting praise! Cut and paste into your URL