The Poor Will Always Be With Us

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Growing up in God's Timing

Last May, when I left to return to Mozambique, my intention was to pair up members of the Centro Emissor church and Maranatha to begin building relationship between the two churches. At that time there were around 40 members who belonged to the church. From the last report I have received, there are over 80 people coming to church on a regular basis. The church of Centro Emissor has been growing in the midst of the leader's frailties.

One year ago in November the leader Zito's wife, Zaria died of malaria while carrying their 4th child. That was a shock to the community and a great set back in the maturity and growth of the church. But not a surprise to God. God knew all along that this would happen and that he would for the next year change, lead, strengthen and be with the weak as we all continued to move forward for His glory in the church. While Zito has walked the journey of healing, the church leadership has continued and slowly moved forward to spread the word and the result is an increase in the flock in maturity and numbers.

Today I want to share some of the prayer partner assignments of Centro Emissor and Maranatha:

Name Age Children MBC Partner
Leopoldino A. Félix 28 Widower 3 Perry and Jane Schoff
Molbino V.Mineses 26 Single - Doug Hoffmaster
Oscar Fransico 27 Single Matt Rosendahl
Pascoal Francisco 30 Married 3 Pat Pisney
Cipriano Francisco 28 Married 4 Jenn Joyce
Joaquim Francisco 50 Married 5 Marilyn Cellemare
Eugênio Joaquim 18 Single - Jay Coppess
Luisa Cimento 40 Widow 5 Jennifer Steadman
Domingos Manuel 33 Married 3 Maggie Noll
António Rafael 17 Single - Diane Ryan
Adelino Domingos 35 Married 1 Maggie Noll
Inês J. Lampi 22 Married 2 Mary Eyansons
Inês Manuel 23 Married - Michelle Staff
Anita Alberto 20 Widow 1 Andrea Petersen
Sonia Mateus 18 Married 1 Deane Watters
Fátima Gonsavel 28 Married 5 Therese Mefferd
Gina Alberto 35 Married 2 Annette Rosendahl
Gabriela Valentim 53 Widow 3 Char Coppess
Rita Madeira 30 Married 1 Mary Ellen
Chica José Aged Married 6 Helen Hunter
Arminda Mateus 20 Married 2 Beth Telecky
Rosa Mário 22 Married 3 Beth Boyles
Lucas J. Lampi 15 Single - Chris Thompson
Cartina Domingos 41 Married 5 Kim Hofmaster
Antónia Paulo 21 Married - Donna Williams
Teresa Afonso 23 Married 4 Josh Peterson
Evordina Oba Aged Widow 3 Gloria Telecky
Filipe Francisco 22 Married 2 Emily Gibsons

Families who need Prayer Partners

Amos Albano 25 Married -
Abel José 22 Single -
Carlos Linguison 23 Single -
José Albano 21 Single -
Domingos Fernando 23 Married 2
Francisca Francisco 59 Married 5
Regina Melo 18 Married 2
Isabel Zacarias 18 Married 2
Jacinto Linguison 28 Married -
Raquinha Tubois 40 Married 6
Horácio Alberto 19 Married 2
José Anibal 17 Single -

Jesus didn't come to make it hard, He came to make it clear. Prayer is powerful and effective, pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

As you can see there are names of people who do not have a prayer partner. And there are 40 more names to be added to the list with the growth of the church. Please be mindful and obedient as to who God would have you pray for. Just make a 1 year commitment to pray for this person. You can trust that when they receive your name, they will be praying for you each week and probably each day.

Life is different in Mozambique. There are not the distractions of life like we have here in America. They may have less, but they have so much more. Trust me.

Send me an email: to give me the name of the person you would like to pray for that doesn't have a partner.

Be blessed, be in prayer for the lost, and be encouraged because we serve a Mighty King giving thanks in all!



Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's time to make a shout!

Have you ever thought about just shouting right out loud? I mean you know like from the depths of your soul just giving it all you got! Just do it, right now, just stand up and shout the name of JESUS! Afraid? Don't want to be embarrassed because you are making too much noise? I know, you don't want your family to think you have lost your mind.

Everyone has been to a football game or some sort of activity that you were able to just let it all out. And the real beauty of an experience like this was that you had people all around you doing the same thing so your particular shout was not noticed. But do you remember how you felt when you finished? It was almost like a cleansing, your whole body was lifted, you felt great, and it may have even exhausted you to put forth all of your energy into your shout.

Let me tell you about worship. Worship in Africa. Where I live in Mozambique, people live to shout. On any given day you can hear the shouts of joy and worship to the King for another day of life. Sometimes you can hear the shouts of pain from their sorrow, but my friends, they know how to shout, how to let it all out. Embarrassed? Nope. They just do not have anything to lose. They already have nothing. You really do not have anything to lose either! I mean come on, like what?

Think about what a shout can do, a shout brought down a wall,"Shout! For the Lord has given you this city." Psalm 20:5 May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests. Psalm 71:23 My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you— I whom you have delivered. 98:4 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music. Isa. 40:9b lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid;

A shout is a strong emotion or a call for attention. Are you shouting today? What are you shouting about? A shout of emotion for what God has, is and will do in your life would be good for you!


Ok... already I am feeling better. Don't delay... do it today.... you will never be the same when you totally give it all to God.

View the link to shouting praise! Cut and paste into your URL

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What can wash away all my sin? Living Water..

My heart sang with shouts of joy this morning as David Domingos walked into the church holding his baby son. David has brushed against the grip of death in the last 6 weeks. The church has been faithfully praying and visiting David each Sunday. It was such a tremendous blessing to see God’s hand in this.

Today was just an overall great day concerning our worship and celebration at Centro Emissor. We had a packed house this morning and the singing and dancing was such a great time. I know that God had to be smiling upon His people as we all praised His name.

A visitor from Chicago is here now and gave a message about Moses being called by God to serve Him and to lead the children of Israel into the promise land. I would imagine living life during the time of Moses is somewhat similar to what our friends at Centro Emissor experience. Living in sand and dirt, cooking over fire, water wells, houses made of mud and sticks with no electricity or water in their home.

Our brothers and sisters at Centro Emissor are like any other people at any other time in life and anywhere around the world. We are all sinners and all have a need for a Savior. We have idols, God shows His grace, some turn towards Him and others turn away. We are praying now about how to move forward to encourage our friends to trust in the Lord with all their heart when most of them remain to believe in witchcraft and visit the witch doctor.

The prayer requests from the members for this week are:

Jessica – asthma attack
Deborah 9– was burned on the fire cooking and has a cold and cough
David Domingos – continue to pray for recovery and his appetite to increase
Sammuel – 8 months has a fever and is sick. Pray that his mother will be diligent to take him to the hospital because this child is more sick than what his mother is willing to admit.
Maria – had a broken arm and had surgery and a cough
Zito – is asking for prayer that God would provide transportation for him. He and I have been talking about this and he needs around $450.00 for a motorbike plus fees for drivers training. He is making cards and maybe some of you have seen some of the ones I have brought home and given out. They are $2.75 each so if anyone wants to order some please let me know☺
Big Mamma – continue to pray for the church building and God’s blessing upon that.

I have a tremendous praise the Lord!!! The Texas team came in on last Friday to drill clean water wells and tomorrow we are going out to our future church building site to drill a clean water well! I am so excited to be part of this. I believe this will bring people to the well when they find out that the water is clean and healthy for their babies. We can then preach the gospel to them and not only will the people of Centro Emissor village get clean water but they will receive the true Living Water.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Home Visits

There is a team from Wooddale church in Eden Prairie, Mn here now for 10 days. 10 people 10 days and 10 million things to do on any given Sunday.

Whenever a team is here on a Sunday I need to take them first to the big church in Dondo but somewhere along the line if we have any time I like to make sure we are able to get to Centro Emissor.

After the last guitar string was strung we tried to get away from all of the people in the court yard to make a mad dash to Centro Emissor. It is only 7 klms. from Dondo but it is just hard to escape the Dondo church. Everyone that you make eye contact with wants to shake your hand, say, "Good morning and ask how you are?" and that can take a while to get to the car and then get out of dodge. This is one of the many things I love about this culture, that everyone embraces you and welcomes you.

We were able to get out of the courtyard, jump in the cars and high tail it to Centro Emissor just in time to sit down and be asked to introduce the Americans to the church and then say a prayer and church was over. One of the guys asked, "why did we come here if church was going to be over?" Here's the deal, each Sunday is so very different from the other. There have been times when we have had 3-5 different presentations of singing and dancing that was prepared ahead of time. Some Sunday's we have visitors and we need to find out where they are from and sometimes they have a song for us too. And some times we do home visits to sick people, and the entire church goes to visit and pray. Today unfortunately for our visitors happened to be a short service at our little church.

Last week and this week we did a home visit to a man who lives near by who has been sick for about 6 weeks now. If he lost anymore weight he would be invisible. He did say that he felt better but WOW this guy is thin. Val is worried about him and his health. He told us he feels better than he did but to me, he is still not looking the greatest.

I missed the prayer requests at church but we do know of David the man we visited. Last week Val and I drove home and gathered some food together for this family because David had not worked for 5 weeks and they did not have any food. When we returned with the bag of food no one was around the church and we could not deliver the food for the safety of David and his family. One other time I had visited a friend in Centro Emissor from church and later that night she had been robbed because some thieves saw us at her home and they thought we had taken something of value to her and gave it to her. Because of this incident we are very careful about how we give and when we make this happen.

Pray for David and Wednesday a team of us will be going to the church to do some medical work and one of the team members will give a message to the church. I am always thankful when Americans come ready to give the message of hope in this dark culture. Everyone desires to have hope and without it we will have to effect on helping to change this culture. We all need Jesus!

I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me (John 17:23).


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lord You are Good!

Lord You are Good and Your mercy endureth forever. I am listening to this song at this very moment and I have to tell you how exciting it is to live in this land of Moz. At every turn of every day you can see the hand of God and I just love it!! I can't wait for you all to come here and take a journey with me:)

Sunday at Centro Emissor was another day of rejoicing that Jesus is Christ and Lord of all. Zito our leader, had a opportunity to speak at one of our other church plants about 2 hours north of here. When I spoke with him about the other service he said that, "God was there and the spirit was moving and God spoke to the people." It just excites me to hear things like this! This encourages him as a leader and this reminds me of the scripture in Jeremiah 20:9 that says, "But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name, his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." When you start speaking about Jesus and speaking the truth and what God has done and will do, it just makes me crazy. I want to jump up and down and dance and sing! I have to talk about Jesus!

Here are the prayer requests from our little sister church in the bush:
`Philipi - has a cold and weakness in his body
`Moises - stomach problems
`Zinha - back pain
`Isabella - back pain
`Fatima - baby boy has bad cough - he is in the picture
`Marisa - mouth pain from bad teeth
`Antonio - headache

Sad isn't it? Simple pains that we would in America use Tylenol for but this is not available to people here. They would have to walk 6 miles to the nearest clinic for help. (I understand there is a clinic in this village but does not always have medicines.) Even I could be a nurse here... hand out a couple of tylenol for a headache and back pain. Don't tell Val I said that!

These people are survivors. I guess that is why I love it here so much. I am a survivor too. Well, if you think about it... we all are survivors. We will survive the depths of hell because we know a risen Savior called Jesus the Christ. Let me encourage you to tell others about Him. Shout His name from the mountain tops! Jesus is Alive!


Kathy Knight

Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 25th, 2010

A goal that I have doing ministry work in Mozambique is to become so invisible so that when I am gone things go on as usual. The bottom line to my greatest desire is to leave them stronger because they were loved and heard words of life from the scripture.

I am home for a month. I received a phone call just a short week ago that my Mom was failing fast and she wasn't expected to make it through this illness. She was on a vent, a feeding tube and her vitals were grave. I immediately started the process to get home and 3 days later I landed in the states having prayed all the way home that God would grant my prayer of letting me see Mom before He took her to be with Him. Psalm 62 kept going over in my mind, "my soul finds rest in God alone, my Rock and my Salvation." I read through Psalm 23, that is Mom's favorite and then 139 because it tells me that God knows it all about me. The Word was my comfort and exactly where I needed to be for 3 days. I never peeped a word to anyone the entire trip, oops except for, "coffee, black please." Today she is doing well and on the road to recovery. My family and I are praising the Lord for His grace and mercy.

So for now I am here and yet able to receive word from Centro Emissor about what is going on and what their prayer requests are for this week. There were 7 women, 12 men and 25 children today in church with some visitors from YWAM, the orphanage located near to where Val and I live in Dondo. Zito spoke this morning from Genesis 22 on walking in faith. I guess that could be somewhat along the same line of what we heard this morning about obedience. They pretty much have to go hand in hand.

This week's prayer requests are:
Luisa - has pain in her shoulder
Venisa - has stomach pain
Antonia - stomach pain
Adelino - back pain
Marta - her teeth are bothering her
Inez - headache
As simple as these requests are, none of these people have simple Tylenol to help relieve the pain. Hard to believe isn't it? No Tylenol?

Another request is for Deborah Zito's daughter. Since her mother died last November she has been spending more time with her Aunt Anna. Now Anna is moving to the states to attend a private Christian school in Tennessee and this is effecting Deborah's behavior. She is very confused and has been acting out. Pray for Deborah and also Zito as he deals with her behavior.

One more important message I received from Val this morning was that our staff member and field pastor, Pastor Todd's, his son Adain who is 4 years old has malaria. This is his first case of malaria after spending the weekend in the bush last weekend with the guys. He is a very sick little guy and his parents are very worried. He is on medication for malaria and is improving but this still is very unsettling for his parents. And Val too being the field nurse.

I am sending along a short video that I took a few weeks back of the young adult choir one sunny Sunday morning.
Click and Enjoy!

Thanks for loving these fine folks. I know that God is gloried by our obedience to love our neighbor.

July 25th, 2010

A goal that I have doing ministry work in Mozambique is to become so invisible so that when I am gone things go on as usual. The bottom line to my greatest desire is to leave them stronger because they were loved and heard words of life from the scripture.

I am home for a month. I received a phone call just a short week ago that my Mom was failing fast and she wasn't expected to make it through this illness. She was on a vent, a feeding tube and her vitals were grave. I immediately started the process to get home and 3 days later I landed in the states having prayed all the way home that God would grant my prayer of letting me see Mom before He took her to be with Him. Psalm 62 kept going over in my mind, "my soul finds rest in God alone, my Rock and my Salvation." I read through Psalm 23, that is Mom's favorite and then 139 because it tells me that God knows it all about me. The Word was my comfort and exactly where I needed to be for 3 days. I never peeped a word to anyone the entire trip, oops except for, "coffee, black please."

So for now I am here and yet able to receive word from Centro Emissor about what is going on and what their prayer requests are for this week. There were 7 women, 12 men and 25 children today in church with some visitors from YWAM, the orphanage located near to where Val and I live in Dondo. Zito spoke this morning from Genesis 22 on walking in faith. I guess that could be somewhat along the same line of what we heard this morning about obedience. They pretty much have to go hand in hand.

This week's prayer requests are:
Luisa - has pain in her shoulder
Venisa - has stomach pain
Antonia - stomach pain
Adelino - back pain
Marta - her teeth are bothering her
Inez - headache
As simple as these requests are, none of these people have simple Tylenol to help relieve the pain. Hard to believe isn't it? No Tylenol?

Another request is for Deborah Zito's daughter. Since her mother died last November she has been spending more time with her Aunt Anna. Now Anna is moving to the states to attend a private Christian school in Tennessee and this is effecting Deborah's behavior. She is very confused and has been acting out. Pray for Deborah and also Zito as he deals with her behavior.

One more important message I received from Val this morning was that our staff member and field pastor, Pastor Todd's, his son Adain who is 4 years old has malaria. This is his first case of malaria after spending the weekend in the bush last weekend with the guys. He is a very sick little guy and his parents are very worried. He is on medication for malaria and is improving but this still is very unsettling for his parents. And Val too being the field nurse.

I am sending along a short video that I took a few weeks back of the young adult choir one sunny Sunday morning.
Click and Enjoy!

Thanks for loving these fine folks. I know that God is gloried by our obedience to love our neighbor.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Rice Harvest Season Is About Done

Sunday morning several more women were able to attend services because they had finished their harvest of rice in the fields. This is a good thing, they have food and produce to sell. What makes me really sad about this season ending is, so is the finish of fresh pineapple. Boo Hoo! The pineapple is so very good here. I mean never before, pre-Africa did I ever have pineapple this delicious!

The baptism class has grown too! They recited their verse for today James 4:8. This makes my heart beam like a proud Momma. We are up to 4 now attending class and I told Molbino that next week i wanted a few minutes to speak and encourage other's to come to class and learn more about what God has to say to us. Before Val and I left in the morning I pondered the thought of taking cookies to those who had gone to class and remembered that probably more than not, had anything to eat yet. Probably since the day before at lunch. It just didn't seem right to take cookies and give them to only the one's who came to class when many of the children, I knew had not had anything.

Zito was home today with his 3 year old Robinson (Robson) who has malaria. Usually when one person in a household gets malaria, it just seems to go around and round. Especially when you live in a small house and there are no nets to protect you and others from you when you are sick.

Next week I am going to start to introduce you to each of the men and women in leadership.

Here are the prayer requests for the week:
Robinson - has malaria
Cipriano - has body aches
Victorino - a visitor not feeling well
Domingo -his knees were aching
Leopoindia - for safe travel

Have a great week friends. I have found some great quotes from Mother Theresa and have been sharing them. Enjoy one of my favorites.

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.
Mother Teresa

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4th in Mozambique

All of the interns and John and Cindy Pieper piled into our cars and off we went to Centro Emissor this morning to listen to the message to be given by Lee Wilwert. Lee is a young man who has grown up in the Maranatha church. I remember Lee when he was about 10-11 years old and I looking into a classroom during Sunday School and seeing him worshipping the Lord with his eyes closed and singing to the King. This is a mother's dream come true to see her child connecting with God in song. I watched him grow up in the youth group and he has always been one of those guys that just likes to connect in worship.

Today was a good day at Centro Emissor because Lee, from our home church was giving the message to our African Sister church. Before he came to the front to speak, Zito our leader, told the members that Lee came from our church in America and that he would be witness to sharing at home what he sees here in Mozambique. The church greeted him with song and prepared their hearts for the message with prayer.

We know from the scriptures that when we hear the truth being spoken from the word that our faith is increased.
Romans 10:17 - So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Today our faith was increased as we looked at scriptures in Matthew, Mark and Luke on prayer. Whenever a visitor comes to speak afterwards our leader goes after the speaker and again goes over the information in a way that he knows the members will receive. Because of their lack of reading and not having bibles hearing it all again is so good. For me too!

Zito then told the church that i had mentioned to him that it was Independence Day in America. I said that there would be all kinds of celebrations, good and not so good. That people would be celebrating everywhere in America. I said, "We are a privileged people and our country is blessed" Zito then asked the church to turn around and stand before the Americans and pray for our church, for healing of the sick and our country. He asked them to pray for a blessing and that many would come to know Jesus and to know the blessings of being an American.

I said I would get the prayer requests this week and they are:

Luisa - has pain in her side
Domingos - not felling well
Anita Domingos - needs work
The nutrition class on Wednesday - that many will attend and learn more about their health
The church - that it will grow in numbers and that many will follow Jesus
Pascoa - is a man wanting to marry in the church and needs direction on how to proceed to be married and committed before the Lord.

Thanks for staying with me on this. May God be glorified and many many blessings come to you all who pray for us at Centro Emissor.

"A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor." Proverbs 22:9

Sunday, June 27, 2010

This Sunday morning we got up to fog so thick that it sounded like it was raining listening to the dew drops falling off the trees. It is winter season here, and it is cold and damp and many nights to go by and families can not sleep well because they are cold.

I was excited to go to church this morning to see how many would come for class to be baptized in November. Last week was sign-up week and 12 people signed the rooster. I watched and listened to the questions of how to fill out the application. Many of the students can not read but what struck me more, was that many did not know when their birthday was. I thought, "now this is sad! Birthday's are a big deal!' As I sat and listened to the chatter and laughter I thought about how a birth day is not of much importance here. It is the celebration of each day that they recognize. This daily celebration makes "Life Real Here" Life is so very fragile. The need is urgent for Jesus, to know about His life and His salvation. Much to my dismay only two came to class today. But onward we go, more will come as the class continues and they hear about the treats I am taking next week:)

Today was a special day for Val because her son Sean was giving the message. The funny thing about this was, Sean was too sick to go on a road trip to a retreat in the bush but wasn't too sick to preach. When I heard he was staying back I thought, "well, I just wonder if he is well enough to speak?" I called the Pastor and he gave his permission so Sean was the man up to give the word.

There were more attending church this morning which made me smile knowing that fewer were sick and not in the fields today. But most of all they were able to hear the message taken from 1 John 4:7-11 about love. It reminded me of when I first came to Centro Emissor and I was struggling about what to teach at women's bible study times. There are so many who don't know how to read and they really didn't know a lot about what the bible says, even the basic things like, "train up a child in the way he should go" The Lord made it very clear to me at that time I was to teach them about what He says about love. It has been a never ending process. Learning about love is good for all of us and remembering who loved us first.

Is Jesus first in your life!

"We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother." 1 John 4:19-21

Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Destiny's Are One

Our destiny's are one. There is a message just in those few words. A promise given to those of us who trust in Jesus. Isn't this a wonderful thought? Two bodies of believers in two different locations in the world, with two different languages, two different economic levels, one considered to be rich and the other poor and yet the same destination because of our belief in Jesus. We are one in Christ Jesus.

I am excited to see what God is going to do through our obedience in trusting Him concerning the partnerships of
Maranatha Bible and Centro Emissor church. What does this look like to those of us who have never done anything like this before? The scriptures tell us that, Is. 55:8-9 “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (NLT) God has a plan and we can not even imagine what it holds for us. Matt. 16:18 “...I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” (NLT) No matter what we plan for the church, God's plan is to build His church and nothing will stop it. This is an honor and a privilege to work with the poor.

We can start our partnership by doing this:
Eph. 6:18 “Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” (NLT)

To introduce you to what happens on an average Sunday morning it looks something very similar to what we know at MBC.
This is what I recorded last Sunday during the service as each segment happened. I give the leader, Zito and his 3 children, Deborah 9, Noemia 6 and Robson 2 a ride to church each Sunday morning. If you remember last November his wife and the baby she was carrying died of malaria.

It's 10 am and the servcie is about to begin. There are 10 adults here, the women sitting on the right side with children in front and the men sit on the left side of the sanctuary. We have two visitors here this morning from Caiya that are going through Discipleship training at YWAM in Dondo. It is rice harvest time now and many of our members are in the fields today to reap their crop. Isa. 59 is our opening scripture for the service and then we are asked to take a moment to repent of our sins.

A guitar plays softly and gently as we sit before the Lord confessing our sins. It is a beautiful moment. You can hear the birds singing and the sounds of creation beyond the walls of the church. This time ends with a long prayer in Portuguese asking the Lord for His forgiveness for all of the church and then a question to all of us, "Are you willing to receive His forgiveness?"

Psalm 150 is our next scripture. This one is used almost every Sunday in all of the church plants and the mother church because there are so many who do not know how to read, using rote as their tool of learning the word. Then on to 3 songs of Praise and 1 Worship to bring in the presence of the Lord in a more powerful manner.

Each week we have a performance of some sort. A presentation of the youth, 13-20, or children, old enough to be there to 12 or the adult choir. This week is a presentation of worship by 3 women. The words to the song were: "With the Lord I am working with Him, With the Lord I am singing with Him" These words over and over in different patterns and harmonies. The singing and dancing was beautiful to me and I am sure in the sight of our Lord. The next song, "I am the Lord Your God" The verses asking God, "Will I be able to be a leader? Yes, I will be a leader, I will be a leader in my home first!"

A very compelling message was given by Zito and was taken from Matt. 5:13-15 about being the salt and the light of the world. Valerie and I attend a church in a village where a large percentage of people still go to the witch doctors for advice because of tradition, or family pressure or for whatever reason, who knows. This message stating that we are different, we are set apart, we are a small sector of the world but we are God's children and Jesus died for us. There is no hope in the witch doctor, this was good. Good for them to hear the truth, and for me to hear the simple truths, the witchdoctor's nothing more than idols in my own life.

I love it here. I am inviting you once again to join in on the work here. I am inviting you to join in on the partnership of two church's becoming sisters, becoming one. They are praying each week already for you, won't you join them and pray for God's purposes to come to fruition?

Eph. 4:16 “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” (NLT)

Friday, March 26, 2010

One Church One Passion


I have created this site as a place for MBC'rs to run to and read about the updates of what is happening at a small church in Centro Emissior, Mozambique, Africa. This is the spot where it will all be happening as we build relationship with this small church in the bush. Christ came that we could be in relationship with God. His desire is that we are in relationship with His people.

This is a new adventure of partnering with another body of believers for many of us. What does this mean to me? The body of Christ is the church, it is that we only visit different buildings to celebrate His Son. What better thing to do than to build relationship with a body of His people to give them hope. How does one church give hope to another body of believers? Let's see how God speaks to each one of us to share His love and speak into each other's lives.

My goal is that we would update the blog each week after we attend the church service to give you an idea of what is happening in our church at Centro Emissor and you can get a better idea of what we are learning and experiencing living life in Africa.
One day you too may be able to come and share in the lives of those we will all love. Only God's plan could have made this happen, that hearts would be connected from 10,000 miles away.

Heb. 10:25b let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

