The Poor Will Always Be With Us

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lord You are Good!

Lord You are Good and Your mercy endureth forever. I am listening to this song at this very moment and I have to tell you how exciting it is to live in this land of Moz. At every turn of every day you can see the hand of God and I just love it!! I can't wait for you all to come here and take a journey with me:)

Sunday at Centro Emissor was another day of rejoicing that Jesus is Christ and Lord of all. Zito our leader, had a opportunity to speak at one of our other church plants about 2 hours north of here. When I spoke with him about the other service he said that, "God was there and the spirit was moving and God spoke to the people." It just excites me to hear things like this! This encourages him as a leader and this reminds me of the scripture in Jeremiah 20:9 that says, "But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name, his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." When you start speaking about Jesus and speaking the truth and what God has done and will do, it just makes me crazy. I want to jump up and down and dance and sing! I have to talk about Jesus!

Here are the prayer requests from our little sister church in the bush:
`Philipi - has a cold and weakness in his body
`Moises - stomach problems
`Zinha - back pain
`Isabella - back pain
`Fatima - baby boy has bad cough - he is in the picture
`Marisa - mouth pain from bad teeth
`Antonio - headache

Sad isn't it? Simple pains that we would in America use Tylenol for but this is not available to people here. They would have to walk 6 miles to the nearest clinic for help. (I understand there is a clinic in this village but does not always have medicines.) Even I could be a nurse here... hand out a couple of tylenol for a headache and back pain. Don't tell Val I said that!

These people are survivors. I guess that is why I love it here so much. I am a survivor too. Well, if you think about it... we all are survivors. We will survive the depths of hell because we know a risen Savior called Jesus the Christ. Let me encourage you to tell others about Him. Shout His name from the mountain tops! Jesus is Alive!


Kathy Knight

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