The Poor Will Always Be With Us

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Home Visits

There is a team from Wooddale church in Eden Prairie, Mn here now for 10 days. 10 people 10 days and 10 million things to do on any given Sunday.

Whenever a team is here on a Sunday I need to take them first to the big church in Dondo but somewhere along the line if we have any time I like to make sure we are able to get to Centro Emissor.

After the last guitar string was strung we tried to get away from all of the people in the court yard to make a mad dash to Centro Emissor. It is only 7 klms. from Dondo but it is just hard to escape the Dondo church. Everyone that you make eye contact with wants to shake your hand, say, "Good morning and ask how you are?" and that can take a while to get to the car and then get out of dodge. This is one of the many things I love about this culture, that everyone embraces you and welcomes you.

We were able to get out of the courtyard, jump in the cars and high tail it to Centro Emissor just in time to sit down and be asked to introduce the Americans to the church and then say a prayer and church was over. One of the guys asked, "why did we come here if church was going to be over?" Here's the deal, each Sunday is so very different from the other. There have been times when we have had 3-5 different presentations of singing and dancing that was prepared ahead of time. Some Sunday's we have visitors and we need to find out where they are from and sometimes they have a song for us too. And some times we do home visits to sick people, and the entire church goes to visit and pray. Today unfortunately for our visitors happened to be a short service at our little church.

Last week and this week we did a home visit to a man who lives near by who has been sick for about 6 weeks now. If he lost anymore weight he would be invisible. He did say that he felt better but WOW this guy is thin. Val is worried about him and his health. He told us he feels better than he did but to me, he is still not looking the greatest.

I missed the prayer requests at church but we do know of David the man we visited. Last week Val and I drove home and gathered some food together for this family because David had not worked for 5 weeks and they did not have any food. When we returned with the bag of food no one was around the church and we could not deliver the food for the safety of David and his family. One other time I had visited a friend in Centro Emissor from church and later that night she had been robbed because some thieves saw us at her home and they thought we had taken something of value to her and gave it to her. Because of this incident we are very careful about how we give and when we make this happen.

Pray for David and Wednesday a team of us will be going to the church to do some medical work and one of the team members will give a message to the church. I am always thankful when Americans come ready to give the message of hope in this dark culture. Everyone desires to have hope and without it we will have to effect on helping to change this culture. We all need Jesus!

I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me (John 17:23).


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