The Poor Will Always Be With Us

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What can wash away all my sin? Living Water..

My heart sang with shouts of joy this morning as David Domingos walked into the church holding his baby son. David has brushed against the grip of death in the last 6 weeks. The church has been faithfully praying and visiting David each Sunday. It was such a tremendous blessing to see God’s hand in this.

Today was just an overall great day concerning our worship and celebration at Centro Emissor. We had a packed house this morning and the singing and dancing was such a great time. I know that God had to be smiling upon His people as we all praised His name.

A visitor from Chicago is here now and gave a message about Moses being called by God to serve Him and to lead the children of Israel into the promise land. I would imagine living life during the time of Moses is somewhat similar to what our friends at Centro Emissor experience. Living in sand and dirt, cooking over fire, water wells, houses made of mud and sticks with no electricity or water in their home.

Our brothers and sisters at Centro Emissor are like any other people at any other time in life and anywhere around the world. We are all sinners and all have a need for a Savior. We have idols, God shows His grace, some turn towards Him and others turn away. We are praying now about how to move forward to encourage our friends to trust in the Lord with all their heart when most of them remain to believe in witchcraft and visit the witch doctor.

The prayer requests from the members for this week are:

Jessica – asthma attack
Deborah 9– was burned on the fire cooking and has a cold and cough
David Domingos – continue to pray for recovery and his appetite to increase
Sammuel – 8 months has a fever and is sick. Pray that his mother will be diligent to take him to the hospital because this child is more sick than what his mother is willing to admit.
Maria – had a broken arm and had surgery and a cough
Zito – is asking for prayer that God would provide transportation for him. He and I have been talking about this and he needs around $450.00 for a motorbike plus fees for drivers training. He is making cards and maybe some of you have seen some of the ones I have brought home and given out. They are $2.75 each so if anyone wants to order some please let me know☺
Big Mamma – continue to pray for the church building and God’s blessing upon that.

I have a tremendous praise the Lord!!! The Texas team came in on last Friday to drill clean water wells and tomorrow we are going out to our future church building site to drill a clean water well! I am so excited to be part of this. I believe this will bring people to the well when they find out that the water is clean and healthy for their babies. We can then preach the gospel to them and not only will the people of Centro Emissor village get clean water but they will receive the true Living Water.

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